Please return my children. I know that you have hidden them away and have assumed their identities.You've been running through my house pulling out all their toys, drawing on the counters, and getting into everything you can get your hands on. You throw tantrums at bedtime and have not been saying please, thank you, and may I. You have pushed and shoved and tattled on each other until I can actually FEEL the grey coming out in my hair! My children would NEVER do these things. So please, I'm begging you, return my sweet and well mannered children to me before I go insane.
Leslie and Davey's Mother
Is that what's been happening?? In that case bring mine back too.
I have some books for you.
awww, poor Loufer and Davey, off to live with the fairies in their fairie mound, and you a upset!
Thank god the faeries have not been able to find myself as of yet.
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